Meanwhile, the food packaging industry is very important not only in Iran but in the whole world, and it can be said that today’s modern lifestyle is strongly dependent on it. Because in food packaging, in addition to preparing materials for storage, distribution and marketing, there is also the issue of packaging hygiene.
History of packaging
The packaging industry has its roots in the very distant past and it is true that it did not exist in today’s style, but in ancient times and even prehistoric times, early humans used it. In fact, these people used natural materials and supplies such as leaves and wood to store food and pack it. In this way, the packaging industry has evolved like any other industry from the past until now and has become today’s form. So that today it plays an important and significant role in people’s lives. This industry also plays an important role in the sale of products and the prosperity of businesses and is considered as one of the main sectors of the global economy.
Packaging industry in Iran
Among the industries that have grown significantly in Iran in recent years is the packaging industry. This industry is growing day by day in terms of quality, resistance and even the possibility of printing in various designs. Of course, however, there will still be room for improvement compared to European countries. Because, according to the surveys conducted, the packaging industry in Iran has not yet reached a desirable and acceptable position compared to other countries in the world. As a result, this has had a bad effect on the country’s economic growth and has led to a series of issues. This weakness can also be caused by the fact that most Iranian manufacturers have focused more attention and focus on producing quality products. As a result, they have failed to pay enough attention and budget for basic and standard packaging with beautiful product design. Other limitations of Iran’s packaging industry include the following.
- Not assigning any special office or department to Iran’s packaging industry
- Failure to allocate funds to this industry
- Lack of specialized and educated people in this field
Iran’s packaging and export industry
With these interpretations, it is good for manufacturers and different business owners to know that product packaging is as important as the quality of manufactured products. Therefore, in order to sell better and maintain product quality, it is necessary to spend both time and money in this industry.
Iran’s progress in the packaging industry is also effective in the prosperity of the export of goods to different countries. Because a significant part of the country’s income is obtained from the sale of goods to different countries. Therefore, if there is no good and high-quality packaging, it will not only damage the producers themselves, but also affect the demand and sales of goods to different countries.
The importance of the packaging industry in the export of goods
Packaging of export products is extremely important and plays an important role in the economic prosperity and improvement of the country’s income. Because by packaging the exported goods, the health of the goods can be guaranteed during the transfer from one country to another. As a result, the sent products will reach the buyers without any damage.
This type of packaging, which is also introduced as transport packaging, will attract the attention and trust of customers in addition to protecting the products. In fact, when you export a product to foreign countries with quality and attractive packaging, the packaging design attracts the customer’s attention at first glance. Therefore, you can attract loyal customers by maintaining the health of the product and its quality as well as its attractive appearance.
Entering the packaging industry
Considering that the packaging industry is a vast industry, it has attracted many people in different fields. However, entering the packaging industry is not as easy as you think. In fact, it may be associated with challenges that it is better to be familiar with before any action. Below we mention some of the things required to enter this industry.
- Having a suitable work space
- Warehouse preparation
- Obtaining a license from the Ministry of Health and Commerce
- Has the required work tools
- Having a skilled workforce
- Sufficient capital
The packaging industry is one of the most widely used industries in Iran, and the role of this industry is becoming more prominent day by day with the expansion of various businesses. In fact, this industry is introduced as one of the effective ways to preserve manufactured products. Packaging is used for various purposes such as protecting products, increasing durability, beautiful design, and so on.
The packaging industry in Iran has gone through a growing trend in terms of packaging quality, resistance and the ability to print different designs, however, it needs more growth and development to surpass other countries.